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At a time where we've acknowledged the climate crisis, we cannot open up our Greenbelt for more urban sprawl. Not only does this open the potential for unequal land swaps and ecological loss. We already have zoned and approved sites for new builds in our cities. Read more

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Please acutally listen to scientists and urban development experts and DO NOT DO THIS. Please think about the long term effects on the average population rather than your rich development friends. This is not for us, we know you're being funded by them. Stop being corrupt please.

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I am a proud Ontarian from the GTA. I am also a dissatisfied Ontarian due to the recent moves of our provincial government to allow building on our valuable conservation and Greenbelt lands. STOP right now! Protect our Greenbelt and valuable conservation and farm lands Read more

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I strongly disagree with the government reneging it’s promise to protect the Greenbelt from further development. Ontario does not need more urban sprawl. It’s unsustainable for both the municipal tax base and infrastructure required to develop this area. Read more

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Please do not rezone Greenbelt land. For all the reasons you know, they are more important than any money from developers. Allow transport trucks a discount or free travel on the 407. I plead for our future. Imagine if we had supply chain issues on food importsand no Holland Marsh? Read more

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That I'm unhappy with the greenbelt development, it should remain untouched, and to increase housing they should adjust zoning laws where most of the GTA can only have single family houses which is ridiculous. The greenbelt has important watersheds and species to be preserved. Read more

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The Greenbelt is a crucial ecosphere and is not needed to build additional homes. Using the Greenbelt does not solve the affordability or availability of housing, but it is an effective way to exacerbate local climate challenges like flooding, fires, soil erosion, and displacing habitats. Read more

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It’s appalling that the government would, at election time, claim that the green belt in Ontario is untouchable for development, then mid-term, open it up to developers. There is plenty of usable land in the province that should be considered for housing before this ever comes into consideration. Read more

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We should not be converting the Greenbelt to make housing. I do not support any removal of Greenbelt land for development, including housing. Urban sprawl is not the way forward to adding homes in Ontario. We need to add density and services to support that density in our cities. Read more

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This is not the way to go. The Ontario ministry of environment, conservation and parks is completley discredited if this goes through. There is no way that experts in the field of urban expansion, sustainability, and environmental science would back this plan. Read more

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The proposed changes to the Greenbelt area are not wise. The multiple values of the Greenbelt space for food production, freshwater management, biodiversity conservation, public health and well being far outweigh the short term gain of urban development. Read more

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As a Ontario resident I do not support this proposal to develop into the protected Green Belt. The Ontario government should focus on redeveloping existing infrastructure with improved transit systems to reduce cars on the road. This would be a grave mistake for future generations of Ontarian’s.