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The Greenbelt should be protected at all costs. Under no circumstances is there a reason to infringe upon Ontario's right to have protected greenspaces. The Greenbelt is incredibly important to the environmental health of the area and this area should only be expanded on, not build on. Read more

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Bill 23 is wrong on so many levels. Wetlands, our greatest carbon sink, will become vulnerable to developers. Conservation authorities that protect so much of our environment will lose strength. Municipalities will lose provincial income to build their own sustainable, affordable housing. Read more

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I'm not surprised that Doug Ford is putting profits over the environment, buyt I'm surprised by other people in positions of power are not fighting back. This needs to be stopped immediately. Especially when his plan is not going to create affordable homes like he says it will.

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I understand the need for more housing but the Greenbelt is protected land, not for building homes. Bill 23 takes away conservation authority and there is no protection for the wetlands and species. This area is a protection against flooding, and the many species at risk. Read more

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The Wikipedia entry for Greenbelt (Golden Horseshoe) states: The Greenbelt is a permanently protected area of green space, farmland, forests, wetlands, and watersheds, located in Southern Ontario, Canada. It surrounds a significant portion of the Golden Horseshoe. Read more

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Doug Ford must be stopped from opening up the Greenbelt for development. Only 5% of Ontario is arable land. Under Doug Ford's leadership, we are already losing 319 acres of farmland per day to sprawl development. The Greenbelt protects our drinking water and is incredibly important farmland. Read more

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I am writing to oppose the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. The proposals are a reversal of recent promises by the current government. They are also a short-sighted land grab to support developers at the expense of the environment and land planning stability. Read more

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This is an awful move by this government, one that instills lack of trust in our younger generation. This government's legacy will be nothing but lies and an obvious disregard for upholding protected spaces. Shame on Doug Ford and whoever else is profiting from this proposal.