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I am a senior… too senior to protest physically… but I am 100% behind the objections to interfering with our green belt! I am watching FORD DESTROY our province!! I have signed petition after petition & written letters of objection as well! Read more

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1. Global climate change is real and the Greenbelt is important to help counter the effects of concrete and carbon emissions 2. No one believes your hands are clean. Either the government tipped off developers or developers told you what land was purchased 3. Your government is corrupt Read more

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I’m concerned that the aim of this plan is to benefit developers who purchased protected greenbelt land, and subsequently lobbied and donated to the Ontario PC party in the hopes of cashing in. The issue with housing is not a shortage of land. This land should be permanently protected.

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I would like to register my objection to the proposed changes for the following reasons, among others: * The government has repeatedly promised not to allow development on the Greenbelt. This proposal is in direct opposition to those promises. Read more

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The area that comprises Ontario's green belt was chosen to be protected for specific reasons. Simply replacing parts of the green belt with other land demonstrates that the Ford government does not understand the reason why these lands were designated as a green belt in the first place. Read more

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Do not do this. Continue with vertical expansion in dense city areas. Do NOT destroy our green belt. This will cause permenant environmental damage and cause a potential food crisis. Keep our green spaces green. Stop Fords disgusting abuse of our province.

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The greenbelt needs to be protected, full stop. This is ecologically sensitive land that his home to thousands of species and is a mainstay of biodiversity in Ontario. Destroying the greenbelt to realize profit will harm people in the end both physically and mentally. Develop elsewhere. Read more

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A public inquiry into how this decision came about needs to be had. The proposal’s effects on the current tax base, while providing little additional benefits to prospective home buyers (change zoning, not the availability of land), is disproportionate. Read more

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Plans to develop into the greenbelt are short sighted and greedy. Honestly, the lands already set aside are insufficient to support the health of our ecosystems, future communities, and province as a whole. But they hold some small promise of a tolerable future. Read more