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No. Please no. This is our source of fresh water. Our source of nature. Please do not cut corners and sacrifice our green belt for housing. No one in Ontario wants this. Your people will rally against this proposal. Do not go back on your promise to not touch the greenbelt. Read more

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The greenbelt is part of what makes Ontario a great place to live. Disturbing the green belt will be a long term mistake and only a temporary stop gap in the housing crisis. We need to encourage densification in our cities rather than encouraging further urban sprawl into our green spaces

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The premier made a vow not to touch the Green Belt, and this provincial government needs to stand behind their words. We only get ONE Green Belt - any disruption on any portion of it puts our drinking water at risk, the wildlife at risk, and our well being as a province. Read more

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What was the point of having Hamiltonians vote if you were just going to overrule it anyway? We voted NO for this! This isn't a democracy anymore if the provincial government can just decide that people's choices and opinions don't matter if it doesn't match their stupid agenda. I hate Doug Ford.

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This is clearly a plan to make the wealthy more wealthy while sacrificing land and habitats that should remain protected. We should be exhausting all options for density and affordability within our current boundaries before expanding further. Read more

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I object to this project. This is going to destroy the wetlands as well as degrade the water quality. Encroachment on Greenbelt is not going to help GTA housing costs. So please leave the Greenbelt out of this. Please conserve whatever nature is left.

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This government made a promise to protect the Greenbelt. The voters of Hamilton elected a municipal government who sought to protest the Greenbelt. This government has a moral obligation to follow the will of the electorate and carry out their promises made during elections. Read more

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This is absolutely a terrible move and it reflects badly on Ontario. We don't need more luxury condos and suburbs. We need a reasonably affordable and accessible housing strategy that DOESN'T rely on taking a chisel to our already crumbling greenery. Read more

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Housing affordability is an important component of our society; however, it must be done through densification and not destruction of farmland/greenbelt. Building more car-dependant suburbs destroys communities and creates immense amounts of underfunded infrastructure. Read more

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It is obvious to everyone that this incursion into porous farmland and natural areas (which we are already very short of) is at the prodding of massive companies that build miserable low density subdivisions, that condemn residents to a life of sitting in their cars. Read more