677075 Ontario Limited - Order to prevent discharge of contaminants

Instrument type: Order to prevent discharge of contaminants

ERO number
Notice type
Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Notice stage
Decision posted
Comment period
July 12, 2023 - August 26, 2023 (45 days) Closed
Last updated

This consultation was open from:
July 12, 2023
to August 26, 2023

Decision summary

The Director has issued an order under the Environmental Protection Act for the purpose of requiring delineation of Perchloroethylene (PCE)-related contamination that may be present at the site and discharging from the site, located at 180 Wortley Road, London.

Location details

Site address

180 Wortley Road
London, ON
N6C 3P7

Site location details

The Site is a 1270 square meter lot, surrounded by residential and commercial properties. It consists of a single-storey commercial building currently occupied by 880188 Ontario Limited who is operating a dry-cleaning business.

Site location map

The location pin reflects the approximate area where environmental activity is taking place.

View this location on a map opens link in a new window


677075 Ontario Limited
1696 Bayview Ave
Toronto, ON
M4G 3C4

880188 Ontario Limited
180 Wortley Rd
London, ON
N6C 3P7

Edward Leo Gouthro
Suite 410 - 10 Beechwood Pl
London, ON
N6C 1H7

Sherry Marie Gouthro
Suite 2 - 1028 Commissioners Rd W
London, ON
N6K 1C3

Decision details

Director’s Order No. 1-218350098 was issued under sections 18, 196 and 197 of the Environmental Protection Act on May 23, 2024, to the owner and operator of the site located at 180 Wortley Road in London, Ontario, and the companies’ current directors and officers. The purpose of this Director’s Order is to require delineation of Perchloroethylene (PCE)-related contamination that may be present at the site and discharging from the site, and to register a certificate of requirement on title.

Since approximately 1962 dry cleaning operations were carried out at 180 Wortley Road. PCE is commonly used in dry cleaning operations. PCE is a contaminant of concern due to its exposure risk through human inhalation of PCE vapours in indoor air. Environmental reports completed for 180 Wortley Road confirmed the presence of PCE and PCE-related contaminants in the soil and groundwater at the site. In 2019 the ministry received reports from the neighbouring property at 190 Wortley Road that indicated the presence of PCE and PCE-related contaminants on their property which likely originated from 180 Wortley Road.

The Director’s Order will require the orderees, jointly and severally, to undertake actions, which amongst others, include requirements to:

  • retain a Qualified Person to conduct the work required by the order;
  • undertake and complete an additional soil vapor assessment to evaluate the level of risk for off-Site soil vapour impacts.
  • submit a written plan prepared by the Qualified Person for the assessment of the soil and groundwater on and off the Site to delineate the contaminants of concern;
  • undertake and complete an assessment of the soil and groundwater both on and off the Site, as deemed necessary by the Qualified Person, to delineate the full vertical and lateral extent and the source(s) of any contaminants of concern, to determine the risk of any adverse effect that may result from the presence or discharge of a contaminant emanating on or from the Site;
  • submit a soil vapor assessment report and a delineation report to the ministry detailing the work completed as required by the order and recommendations to prevent or eliminate any adverse effects that may result from the contaminants;
  • require the owner and operator of the site to permit access to the site to the previous directors of the company for the purpose of assessing contamination; and
  • require that a certificate of requirement is registered on title for the site.

The following modifications were made to the original proposed Director’s Order which was posted on July 12, 2023:

  • Under the list of orderees, G. Fine and C. Morin were removed, as they are voluntarily undertaking necessary assessment work at the site further to discussions with the Ministry.
  • Under PART A - Work Ordered:
    • Item No. 3 was added to require a soil vapor assessment be conducted.
    • Item No. 4 was added to require a written report of the findings of Item No. 3 be submitted to the Director.
    • Item No. 5 was added to require a workplan for the delineation assessment be submitted to the Director and to clarify that the source of the contamination must be assessed.
    • the item numbers were changed to reflect the addition of Item No. 3, 4 and 5.
    • Item No. 6 was modified to require the initiation of the workplan.
    • The compliance due dates have changed to update the timelines for completing the work ordered.
  • Under PART B – Definitions, “2022 Technical Support Memorandum” was defined.
  • Under PART B - Description of Person(s) Subject to the Director's Order, the date to which 880188 Ontario Ltd. started operating at the site was corrected to 2001.
  • Under PART B - Events Leading up to the Order, additional information was added to document the posting of the draft Order on the ERO and how the comments received were considered by the Ministry.
  • Under PART B – Attachments, Attachment A – 2022 Technical Support Memorandum, was added.

These changes were not significant enough to warrant a new proposal notice. A copy of Director’s Order No. 1-218350098 is provided under supporting materials.

Comments received

Through the registry


By email


By mail

View comments submitted through the registry

Effects of consultation

Details of the changes made to the Director’s Order are noted in the decision details section.

The director reviewed and considered the comments received. Responses to these comments are as follows:

  • Comment: A Certificate of Requirement has already been put on title for the Site.

    Response: There is currently a Certificate of Requirement (CofR) on title with regards to the Provincial Officer’s Order No. 4110-BSVQGD that was issued on October 19, 2020. Another CofR is required to be registered on title in accordance with this Director’s Order. The purpose of this CofR is to advise anyone with an interest in the lands of the existence of this Director’s Order.

  • Comment: 880188 Ontario Ltd., Mr. Gouthro and Mrs. Gouthro did not cause or have any knowledge of the contamination at the Site, and only former directors of 677075 Ontario Ltd. should be named in this Order.

    Response: Mr. Gouthro and Mrs. Gouthro are current directors of the Owner and Operator of the Site, 677075 Ontario Ltd. and 880188 Ontario Ltd., which is currently operating as a dry-cleaning business. It is appropriate to name the businesses and individuals in current management and control of the Site.

  • Comment: The contamination likely originated from the neighbouring property, 190 Wortley Road, based on the groundwater flow direction and because the highest levels of contamination were found on that property.

    Response: The movement of chlorinated solvents is not solely based on groundwater flow. Based on currently available information, including environmental assessments completed by Qualified Persons conducted at 190 and 180 Wortley Road, MECP has reasonable grounds to believe that the source of the contamination is originating from the Site located at 180 Wortley Road.

  • Comment: The estate of a former director of 677075 Ontario Ltd. should be listed on this Order based on his previous involvement and ownership of the site.

    Response: The former director passed away prior to the issuance of this Order. It is not necessary to name an estate of a former director where other viable orderees may be able to comply.

  • Comment: The 1995 Altech Report did not indicate an environmental compliance issue as there were no enforceable provincial soil standards for the relevant contaminants at the time.

    Response: The presence or absence of applicable soil standards at the time is not relevant to whether this Director’s Order should be issued.

  • Comment: Work Ordered Item Nos. 1, 6 and 7 (previously Item No. 1, 3 and 4), should specifically address the contamination at 190 Wortley Road.

    Response: This Order required the delineation of the full vertical and lateral extent of the contamination both on and off the Site. The scope and location of this work will be determined by a Qualified Person, however given the information that has been provided to the ministry to-date, it is likely that such work will include the property at 190 Wortley Road.

  • Comment: The Director’s Order does not include wording that the Qualified Person must identify the source area(s) of contamination at the Site.

    Response: Work Ordered Item No. 7 has been updated to clarify that the source of the contamination needs to be identified.

  • Comment: The issuance of the Order should be delayed until related civil court proceedings are completed.

    Response: The purpose of this Order is to identify the source and extent of contamination in order to evaluate potential impacts, which may inform next steps such as remediation. Such assessment work should not be delayed for the purposes of determining liability in civil proceedings.

  • Comment: Concerns raised regarding financial hardships or constraints to carry out the ordered work.

    Response: In accordance with the Ministry’s compliance policy titled “Compliance Policy Applying Abatement and Enforcement Tools”, financial hardship or constraints to carry out requirements of an order are not grounds for removing an Orderee’s name from an order.

Supporting materials

View materials in person

Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

London District Office (Southwest Region)

733 Exeter Road
London, ON
N6E 1L3

Office phone number

How to Appeal

This instrument decision can be appealed. You have 15 days from May 30, 2024 to begin the appeal process.

Carefully review the information below to learn more about the appeal process.

How to appealClick to Expand Accordion

Start the process to appeal

If you’re an Ontario resident, you can start the process to appeal this instrument decision.

First, you’ll need to seek leave (i.e. get permission) from the relevant appellate body to appeal the decision.

If the appellate body grants leave, the appeal itself will follow.

Seek leave to appeal

To seek leave to appeal, you need to do these three things:

  1. prepare your application
  2. provide notice to the minister
  3. mail your application to three parties

1. Prepare your application

You’ll need to prepare an application. You may wish to include the following things in your application:

  1. A document that includes:
    • your name, phone number, fax number (if any), and/or email address
    • the ERO number and ministry reference number (located on this page)
    • a statement about whether you are a resident in Ontario
    • your interest in the decision, and any facts you want taken into account in deciding whether you have an interest in the decision
    • the parts of the instrument that you’re challenging
    • whether the decision could result in significant harm to the environment
    • the reason(s) why you believe that no reasonable person – having regard to the relevant law and to any government policies developed to guide decisions of that kind – could have made the decision
    • the grounds (facts) you’ll be using to appeal
    • the outcome you’d like to see
  2. A copy of the instrument (approval, permit, order) that you you are seeking leave to appeal. You’ll find this in the decision notice on the Environmental Registry
  3. Copies of all supporting documents, facts and evidence that you’ll be using to appeal
What is considered

The appeal body will consider the following two questions in deciding whether to grant you leave to appeal:

  1. is there is good reason to believe that no reasonable person, with respect to the relevant law and to any government policies developed to guide decisions of that kind, could have made the decision?
  2. could the decision you wish to appeal result in significant harm to the environment?

2. Provide your notice

You’ll need to provide notice to the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks that you’re seeking leave to appeal.

In your notice, please include a brief description of the:

  • decision that you wish to appeal
  • grounds for granting leave to appeal

You can provide notice by email at minister.mecp@ontario.ca or by mail at:

College Park 5th Floor, 777 Bay St.
Toronto, ON
M7A 2J3

3. Mail your application

You’ll need to mail your application that you prepared in step #1 to each of these three parties:

  • appellate body
  • issuing authority (the ministry official who issued the instrument)
  • proponent (the company or individual to whom the instrument was issued)

Issuing authority
Pierre Adrien
District Manager

London District Office
733 Exeter Road
London, ON
N6E 1L3

(226) 919-6416


677075 Ontario Limited
1696 Bayview Ave
Toronto, ON
M4G 3C4

880188 Ontario Limited
180 Wortley Rd
London, ON
N6C 3P7

Edward Leo Gouthro
Suite 410 - 10 Beechwood Pl
London, ON
N6C 1H7

Sherry Marie Gouthro
Suite 2 - 1028 Commissioners Rd W
London, ON
N6K 1C3

Appellate body

Registrar, Ontario Land Tribunal
655 Bay Street, Suite 1500
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1E5
(416) 212-6349
(866) 448-2248

About the Ontario Land Tribunal

Include the following:

ERO number

This is not legal advice. Please refer to the Environmental Bill of Rights for exact legal requirements. Consult a lawyer if you need help with the appeal process.

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Original proposal

ERO number
Notice type
Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Proposal posted

Comment period

July 12, 2023 - August 26, 2023 (45 days)

Proposal details

The Director is considering the issuance of an order under section 18 and 197 of the Environmental Protection Act to former and current directors of the owner and operator of the site located at 180 Wortley Road in London, Ontario. The purpose of this Director’s Order is to require delineation of Perchloroethylene (PCE)-related contamination that may be present at the site and discharging from the site, and to register a certificate of requirement on title.

Since approximately 1962 dry cleaning operations were carried out at 180 Wortley Road. PCE is commonly used in dry cleaning operations. PCE is a contaminant of concern due to its exposure risk through human inhalation of PCE vapours in indoor air. Environmental reports completed for 180 Wortley Road confirmed the presence of PCE and PCE-related contaminants in the soil and groundwater at the site. In 2019 the ministry received reports from the neighbouring property at 190 Wortley Road that indicated the presence of PCE and PCE-related contaminants on their property which likely originated from 180 Wortley Road.

The Director’s Order will require the orderees, jointly and severally, to undertake actions, which amongst others, include requirements to:

  • retain a qualified person to conduct the work required by the order;
  • have the qualified person undertake and complete an assessment of the soil and groundwater at the site to delineate the full vertical and lateral extent of any contaminants of concern to determine the risk of any adverse effect that may result from the presence or discharge of a contaminant emanating on or from the site;
  • submit a delineation report to the ministry detailing the work completed as required by the order and recommendations to prevent or eliminate any adverse effects that may result from the contaminants;
  • requiring the owner and operator of the site to permit access to the site to other orderees for the purpose of undertaking the work required by the order; and
  • register a certificate on title for the site.

A copy of the draft order can be found under supporting materials.

Supporting materials

View materials in person

Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

London District Office (Southwest Region)

733 Exeter Road
London, ON
N6E 1L3

Office phone number


Commenting is now closed.

This consultation was open from July 12, 2023
to August 26, 2023

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