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It seems that the scope of this project is quite large, and therefore should be subject to an environmental assessment. Also, why would the province want to turn some of the best agricultural land in Ontario into a landfill?

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I demand that a full comprehensive environental assessment be done. I would prefer the project be immediately stopped. I am fearful for my children and our health. Lauren Hill Resident of Dresden ON

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This landfill cannot be permitted due its close proximity to the town of Dresden and the environmentally fragile area it is in.

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I am very concerned about the negative impact that the proposed York1 facility will have on the entire community of Dresden. Read more

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I am opposed to this massive expansion and believe a current standardized environmental assessment be completed at this site. Read more

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Concerned about the amount of fuel and environmental impact of bringing garbage from Toronto to Dresden! Why can’t Toronto recycle its own garbage. We are concerned with the close proximity to Dresden and having 2 schools on the main highway to the dump. Read more

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We are very concerned regarding the dump coming to Dresden, there are schools very close to proposed site and on major road going thru town. We need a full assessment done.

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My concern about this expanded landfill are the not described environmental impacts generated by dust that will be produced when concrete is ground down. Read more

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I live in Chatham-Kent and have relatives that live right in Dresden. Our community of Chatham-Kent already has a landfill in the Blenheim area. We need the Province to stop using our community as the dumping ground of larger communities. Read more

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I live in Chatham-Kent and have relatives that live right in Dresden. Our community of Chatham-Kent already has a landfill in the Blenheim area. We need the Province to stop using our community as the dumping ground of larger communities. Read more

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The proposed dump at Dresden Ontario does need an environmental assessment to be considered for the uses that york 1 is proposing. Read more

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In Ontario, we need to be cognizant of our lands, and what they will be used for. Previously a landfill type of operation, although small, shouldn’t automatically become a large operation. Read more

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Rural Ontario should not be a dumping ground for large city waste. Furthermore, no toxic site should be located so close to an important water shed.

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If this project is so safe for the people and enviroment why not build it in York? Deal with their own problem there! Think of the millions of doallars saved in road maintenance that would not have to be done here from the pounding of the trucks on them, by the way York dosen't pay for here ! Read more