2640323 Ontario Inc. - Certificate of property use

Instrument type: Certificate of property use

ERO number
Ministry reference number
Notice type
Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Notice stage
Proposal posted
Comment period
December 19, 2024 - February 2, 2025 (45 days) Open
Last updated

This consultation closes at 11:59 p.m. on:
February 2, 2025

Proposal summary

The ministry has accepted the risk assessment prepared for the owner (2640323 Ontario Inc.), for the property located at 11 Elizabeth Road, Simcoe, Ontario. The Director is considering issuing a Certificate of Property Use (CPU) in relation to the property.

Location details

Site address

11 Elizabeth Road
Simcoe, ON
N3Y 2M7

Site location details


Being ALL of PIN 50189–0145(LT)

Site location map

The location pin reflects the approximate area where environmental activity is taking place.

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2640323 Ontario Inc.
19 Whistler Street
Hannon, ON
L0R 1P0

Proposal details

A risk assessment was undertaken for this property to establish the risks that the contaminants identified in the risk assessment may pose to future users and to identify appropriate risk management measures to be implemented to ensure that the property is suitable for the intended use of “residential” use as defined by Ontario Regulation 153/04.

Based on the documents provided to the ministry as part of the risk assessment report, the reviewers can confirm that the risk assessment has been conducted in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act (the act), Ontario Regulation 153/04 (the regulation), and the associated guidance documents.  

The Director provided the proponent with written Notice of the Director’s Decision to accept the risk assessment No. 5285-C7YPSD relating to the property in accordance with s.168.5 of the act on October 9, 2024.

The director is considering issuing a Certificate of Property Use (CPU) in relation to the property. The CPU incorporates the risk management measures proposed in the risk assessment and other conditions proposed by the director. A section 197 Order is included and requires that a certificate be registered on the property title in accordance with section 197 of the Act and that before dealing with the property in any way, a copy of the CPU must be given to any person who will acquire an interest in the property.

The proposed risk management measures include:

  • installing, inspecting and maintaining barriers to site soils on the Property;
  • building construction restrictions for future buildings on the property to address the soil vapour intrusion pathway;
  • vapour mitigation measures for new residential buildings, including a vapour barrier and soil vapour intrusion mitigation system;
  • implementing a sub-slab vapour and indoor air monitoring program;
  • implementing a groundwater monitoring program;
  • implementing a soil and groundwater management plan;
  • implementing a health and safety plan;
  • prohibiting the planting of fruit and vegetables for consumption;
  • a restriction on the construction of wells for potable water supplies;
  • annual reporting;
  • contingencies to providing financial assurance

The proposed CPU No. 5673-D9QJTA is provided as a link under the supporting materials section of this notice.

Supporting materials

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Hamilton District Office

119 King Street West
Floor 9
Hamilton, ON
L8P 4Y7

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