Conditional Filing Order [Bell Creek Facility].

ERO number
Notice type
Mining Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of Mines
Bulletin posted
Last updated

This notice is for informational purposes only. There is no requirement to consult on this initiative on the Environmental Registry of Ontario. Learn more about the types of notices on the registry.

Bulletin summary

We have received a request for a Conditional Filing Order (bell creek facility) that will result in (lake shore gold, a subsidiary of pan american silver) submit a closure plan amendment (CPA) that does not meet all statutory requirements at the time of submission.

Why consultation isn't required

Conditional Filing Orders are not currently prescribed as an instrument under the Environmental Bill of Rights, however, the Ministry of Mines is undertaking the work to have this decision prescribed. While that work is being completed, the Ministry is posting for public consultation as an information posting.

Bulletin details

The requirement(s) being deferred in the next closure plan submission through this Conditional Filing Order (CFO) request are:

  1. Updated Certified Crown Pillar Long-Term Stability Geotechnical Report
  2. Updated ARD/ML Certified Report
  3. Updated Certified Groundwater Monitoring Program Plan
  4. Certified Closure Physical Stability Surveillance, Monitoring and Assessment Plan for the Tailings Facility

The absence of the requirement(s) will not impair the proponent’s ability to determine adequate rehabilitation measures for all mine hazards associated with the project for the following reasons:

  1. Crown Pillar instability during operations is considered low-risk as failure propagation to surface is very unlikely. No future stopes being planned within 150 metres of topographic surface.
  2. There have been no ARD/ML concerns within the Bell Creek Geochemistry program. Overburden is made up of all local organics.
  3. The current groundwater monitoring program is compliant with code. All wells monitored onsite.
  4. The site has a robust tailings management system already in place based on Canadian Dam Association Guidelines and the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining Tailings Management Protocol. Existing rehabilitation strategy provided and in place.

This notice is provided to receive comments that can be considered in the decision-making process prior to the issuance of a Conditional Filing Order.

Unless specified in the order itself, the Conditional Filing Order does not relieve the proponent from compliance with any other requirements that are set out under the Mining Act or any other Act.

Proponents must meet the requirements outlined in Ontario Regulation 35/24 to minimize the impacts to public health, safety and the environment from early exploration activities described above.

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Mineral Development Office (Timmins)

5520 Highway 101 E Highway
PO Box 3060
South Porcupine Ontario, ON
P0N 1H0

Office phone number

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Amanda Rantala

Phone number
Mineral Development Office (Northeast), Ontario Government Complex

5520 Highway 101 East
PO Box 3060
South Porcupine, ON
P0N 1H0

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