In my opinion, there is a…

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In my opinion, there is a small group of key micro/macro factors that are dominating a majority of my business conversations today; some of which are meaningfully addressed through this proposal.

Wood is not for everything and it is not the one answer for anything. But, with an 'expanding-pie' type market, there is only more room for alternative options to help ease building material bottlenecks and allow for more output in real construction in our communities. Advanced wood construction has long surpassed the phase of an 'emerging building material'. It is vital now to support this industry so that it can continue to be a real option for builders and developers in our communities, giving them more optionality and ability to stay nimble with so many external variables at play. Every site, development, community or project has different needs and requirements, and we need more tools in the tool belt to help mitigate these situational factors. The opposite effect is pretty clear; less options will only put more strain on current supply chains which will tighten supply and increase cost.

In respect to climate change, regardless of anyone's position/view on the topic, the wood industry is one of the few I have come across that provides a reasonable path that all sides can find common ground on. It has the potential to be a financially strong, healthy and productive sector for our province all while, not only sustaining our current environmental and climate health, but REGENERATING it. The reach and impact into the energy and agriculture sectors cannot be underestimated, nor can their impact in the climate change debate. This regenerative spirit is alive and well within our industry - I can see it throughout my current supply chain - but it needs to be supported so that it can thrive.

From a health and wellness prospective, I can only say this from personal experience. When it comes to mental health and the mind, working in a environment that incorporates wood and, specific to this proposal, advanced wood building materials; the experience is unique and noticeably different. It offers diversity, a connection to nature, and stimulates creative and calming energy. My office is constructed using advanced wood building materials, and we are currently planning on using advanced wood as a major building material for expansion in one of our manufacturing facilities, for this exact reason. We need to be conscious of both the tangible AND intangible impact our daily working environments have on our health and wellbeing.

Quite frankly, I am fortunate enough to have the optionality in how I earn a living, and although wood was my start in the business world, and the provider for me and my family, it doesn't have to be today.
Despite that, we are committed to and reinvesting into the wood industry in our family, because of the investment profile it provides. I have yet to find an investment class or industry that has such a diversified and meaningful 'return' compared to relatively limited industry-specific, downside-risk.

I realize this is a very high level and general commentary, but I would be happy to discuss further if it would help the province in committing to increase investment into our industry.