This consultation was open from:
July 30, 2024
to October 1, 2024
Decision summary
This Advanced Wood Construction Action Plan has been revised and approved following a review of comments and feedback received through the Environmental Registry of Ontario.
Decision details
As a result of comments received minor modifications were made to the Advanced Wood Construction Action Plan which aims to increase the use of wood in construction and therefore drive economic prosperity, bolster housing supply, and help to mitigate climate change.
While aspects of the plan have been updated in response to input received during consultation and engagement processes, the plan’s main objectives have remained from the draft version published.
The decision to proceed with the revised action plan was made on January 28, 2025.
Effects of consultation
The vast majority of the comments were supportive of the proposal; however some were critical of forest management practices in general.
The supportive comments emphasized partnerships, collaboration and engagement and believe the proposed plan aligns well with other programs in other provinces and in the federal government. Commenters believe that the plan will create jobs and economic growth while addressing the challenges of climate change and housing supply.
Comments suggested that there should be more advanced wood manufacturing facilities across Ontario and that the main priorities of the government, and any new legislated measures should continue to focus on housing supply and affordability. Comments also reflected agreement that wood construction contributes to our health and mental wellbeing.
Comments suggested that timelines and resources need to be more explicit and suggest additional research or studies and that consideration for bioheat should be incorporated into the plan.
After considering the comments, we recognize that the plan has the potential for positive economic and social benefits. Ontario has a world leading forest management system that already centers on the principles of sustainability and biodiversity.
One comment recommended research to quantify impacts of advanced wood construction and an objective related to carbon removal and sequestration. These recommendations will be addressed through the existing action items including research and validating the business case for advanced wood construction.
Many of the suggestions or recommendations are intended to be addressed through the action items of the Advanced Wood Construction Action Plan (AWCAP). Regarding more explicit measures and resources, the AWCAP Action Items are such that there are opportunities for partners and stakeholders to further influence the direction the province takes on Advanced Wood Construction through ongoing collaborative efforts. Regarding bioheat, this is a topic that better aligns with commitments in the Forest Biomass Action Plan.
Continued collaboration, engagement and partnerships along with ongoing education and training, research, innovation, and demonstration will be cornerstones of the Advanced Wood Construction Plan and will address several recommendations.
Supporting materials
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Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.
Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
Roberta Bondar Place - 70 Foster Drive
Suite 610
Sault Ste. Marie,
P6A 6V5
Connect with us
Jessica Hilker
70 Foster Drive
Suite 400
Sault Ste Marie,
P6A 6V5
Original proposal
Proposal details
Sustainable Growth: Ontario’s Forest Sector Strategy (Forest Sector Strategy) is being implemented to sustainably grow the forest sector, therefore creating opportunity and prosperity for thousands of Ontario families, while encouraging innovation and investment in the industry.
Through the Forest Sector Strategy, Ontario is acting to increase the use of wood in construction. This Advanced Wood Construction Action Plan provides a framework to guide these efforts and encourage the use of innovative wood building products and systems beyond the traditional site-built construction used in most single-family homes.
Advanced wood construction can build larger and taller buildings than conventional wood construction and be used in a broad scope of applications including multifamily residential, institutional, commercial and educational buildings, as well as infrastructure like bridges and towers. The prefabricated nature of advanced wood construction allows for 50% faster construction at up to 20% less cost. It also results in less waste, a low carbon footprint, and high quality, durable products. This will contribute to building the housing that is needed in Ontario, while driving economic prosperity and supporting workforce development in the province.
Enhanced construction practices are enabling buildings across Canada that are resilient to the impacts of climate change while locking in absorbed carbon. The buildings sector is thought to account for up to 39% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Innovative building materials, including mass timber, are helping to drive down emissions in the buildings sector while adding value to our forest resources, bolstering the economy and creating good jobs across the provincial supply chain – including in sustainable forestry.
Advanced Wood Construction Advantage
Advanced wood construction is recognized globally as a construction industry disruptor that is being adopted at a faster pace than any other building system in history (Forest Economics Advisors, 2022). By spurring the increased use of advanced wood construction, Ontario seizes the opportunity to use its abundant and sustainable forest resources to position itself as a leader in this innovative and exciting sector of manufacturing and construction.
Advanced Wood Construction Supply Chain
Wood fiber is sourced from sustainably managed public forests as well as private land forests. Annually, in Ontario, less than 0.5% of public forests are harvested and Ontario is using only half of its sustainable annual harvest.
Advanced wood construction producers use this sustainable wood fibre and add value to it to produce wood building components and assemblies. These prefabricated components are ready to be delivered directly to the construction site for just-in-time installation.
Objectives and Actions
The Advanced Wood Construction Action Plan has been developed to support three overarching goals:
- Increase the use of Ontario wood and grow wood’s market share in construction
- Establish Ontario as a leader in advanced wood construction manufacturing and expertise, and
- Encourage the use of sustainable materials in infrastructure.
The action plan centers around four objectives, each of which have a set of actions to be pursued over the five-year term of the plan.
Objective 1: Support Promotion, Education and Training Initiatives
Objective 2 Spur Research and the Advancement of Codes, Standards and Regulations
Objective 3:Stimulate Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing
Objective 4: Demonstrate and Display Advanced Wood Construction
The Road Ahead
The implementation of an Advanced Wood Construction Action Plan will help achieve the vision in Ontario’s Forest Sector Strategy. Working with both internal and external partners, the proposed identified actions would be implemented over the five-year term if approved. Future collaboration may be used to draw on the expertise and advice from professionals in Ontario’s forest, manufacturing and construction sectors.
Environmental Implications
The draft Advanced Wood Construction Action Plan is not environmentally significant and is considered a voluntary posting. There are policies and procedures in place to guide the sustainable use of Ontario’s forest resources and ensure healthy, diverse, and resilient forests. Any required policy updates identified within the action plan would be addressed through separate, future ERO postings.
Regulatory impact analysis
This proposal is for a draft action plan and outlines the government of Ontario's efforts to influence the uptake of advanced wood construction over the next five years. We do not expect there to be environmental, social, or economic consequences arising from this action plan. The proposed actions from this plan will include things like promoting the concept of advanced wood construction, demonstrating the use of advanced wood construction, funding research, education and training, collaborating with other ministries on shared goals.
If implemented, stakeholders and other non-government entities will not incur any cost from its implementation. While proposed actions will not have direct consequence, they support an increase in the use of advanced wood construction, with the goal of providing economic benefit to the forestry, manufacturing and construction sectors in Ontario, bolstering of Ontario’s housing supply, and reduction in the carbon footprint of the built environment.
Supporting materials
View materials in person
Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.
Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
Roberta Bondar Place - 70 Foster Drive
Suite 610
Sault Ste. Marie,
P6A 6V5
Commenting is now closed.
This consultation was open from July 30, 2024
to October 1, 2024
Connect with us
Jessica Hilker
70 Foster Drive
Suite 400
Sault Ste Marie,
P6A 6V5
Comments received
Through the registry
22By email
1By mail