I call on this government to…

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I call on this government to shoulder all of its responsibilities. Doug Ford is not simply the Premier of The-People-Who-Voted-For-Him. He is the Premier of the Province of Ontario: all of its inhabitants whether they vote or not, and all of its other creatures, lands, and waterways that are under provincial jurisdiction. Given the very long-tem impact of human activites that affect our environment, this government's actions or lack thereof will have impacts into the distant future affecting generations to come. This government must take responsibility for the long-term effects of its decisions as well.
I call on honesty from this government and its ministers. On August 2, Minister of the Environment Rod Phillips stated that Ontarians had reduced their carbon footprint by 34% since 1990. Well, in 2016, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario released a report that found only a 6.6% reduction in GHGs by 2014. Further, Doug Ford has characterized the carbon tax as a "sin tax". This is bullshit: there are no vices involved, and there's no need to imply a moral judgment in the production of carbon emissions during the activities of daily living.
The previous Liberal government made a significant effort to create and implement its regulatory scheme. It also expended some significant political capital. It will be a waste of this capital, and time and effort if the present government discards the regulations. Certainly the regulations can be improved; the government would do better to improve upon them instead. I call on the government to continue on the path of taking significant steps to creating the regulatory infrastructure that will support a truly sustainable economy in Ontario.