Hyw 11 between Barrie and…

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Hyw 11 between Barrie and North Bay should be one of the most scenic in Canada as it runs through the Canadian Shield. Unfortunately it is one of the ugliest, a blot on the landscape. Over 350 signboards - that is apart from the thousands of signs posted in front of retail shops, gas stations, and R V parks. Over 100 of these eyesores have gone up since 2007

What should be a very scenic drive north is obscured by these ugly message boards - some of them not more than 30 feet from the roadside.

If I do not appreciate the advertising on my radio, I can turn to another station, but billboards are inescapable

Also, there are over 24 derelict trailers and manure wagons used as signboards on this stretch of highway - contrary to M T O regulations but no one is willing to enforce the bye laws

The Blue government signs should be enough, but is that is not enough, establish a regulated set of grey signboards based on the Blue model in which other advertisers can put their names before the public.

Eliminate this form of visual pollution

[Original Comment ID: 195593]