As an Ontario sportsman who…

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As an Ontario sportsman who contributes financially to the maintenance of our wild places, I commend the government for listening to the concerns of the OFAH and hunters.

Those in positions of responsibility who represent the people rightly listen to all various points of view including from anti-outdoors activists who are a small but vocal minority. Once the debate is over, it is important that "true facts" rather than emotion/bullying, win the day. If not, then Canada is no longer a free country but becomes something else. Canada has always been a free/peaceful and great nation in the past and as evidenced by the fact that so many want to come here, especially from countries where the boot of totalitarianism controls the people.

When such people see our Canadianism and how we and THEY can enjoy our God given great outdoors they know they have made the right choice. Provincial decision makers reinforce this when sound, factual decision making wins the day. God Bless.