Regarding Crown Land Use…


Regarding Crown Land Use amendment to the Red Lake, ID G2514, and Lac Seul, G2518, General Use.

Allowing for the disposition of Crown Lands for cottaging in the Town Ship of Ear Falls. ERO#019-1099

Being a Group of Tourism Resort owners in the Ear Falls Area, we are extremely concerned regarding the potential Cottages lots being developed within the Municipality of Ear Falls boundaries.

With tourism being the one major Industry in the Municipality of Ear Falls, 33% of the industry in the region, we cannot lose sight that a balance between local development and the qualities our untouched wilderness has. These are the qualities that have attracted many tourists to the local area and keeps them returning year after year!

Our primary goal is to preserve the “Fishing Quality” of Pakwash Lake, Bruce Lakes, Chukuni River, and Lac Seul. Hence this does not only consider the state of the fishery, is it in good shape. It encompasses a number of concerns and events that will impact the area going forward with increased cottage lots in the area.

We must emphasize the “Fishing Quality” and manage stressors within the region.

· State of fishery, is each lake in good shape, number of fish caught, size of fish, species are maintained.

· Invasive species, increased use & increased risk

· The solitude, isolated, untouched experience the wilderness has to offer tourists

· Crowding of boats in fishing spots

· Cottage crowding on the shoreline

· Water Quality

· Impact of Quality spawning areas and balanced nutrients, contaminants

· Flooding and Low water conditions

· Water traffic increase, introduction of cottage life differences ie… sea doo’s, water skiing…

· Are the Fishing tourists still happy, and enjoying their experience

With the Fishing Quality being a primary concern for ALL in the area, we ask for detailed studies on what will impact Pakwash Lake, Bruce Lakes, Chukuni River and Lac Seul?

What are the conservative sustainable limits each lake could accommodate and not exceed?

We also request the Township impose Bylaws / Council Resolutions to enforce strict control: water and waste systems, docking and shore alterations, size of lots to avoid cramming, development use, not as tourist rental cottages or outposts.

Thank you for your attention in the matter.