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The following are a variety of brief comments related to proposed changes to FMP manuals and the FMP process re 019-0715:
- There is value in having information centres in that there is interpersonal exchange of ideas in a small group session where a variety of experts are on hand from MNR and industry
- relying solely on internet and accessing complex information on-line is not a good solution.
- many in rural areas, where people have a closer connection to forests and harvesting, have less access to computers and high speed internet. High speed unlimited internet simply do not exist in outlying areas. Many, myself included, have to pay more for extended time on-line.
- The maps and tables presented in a Forest Management Plan are very complex and it takes a lot of expertise to navigate through them. It is extremely challenging doing it on-line and many do not have the computer skills or programmes to do so.
- I am opposed to removing the Environmental assessment process
- removing MNR oversight over the Annual Work Schedule process seems counterproductive. There must be and should be MNR oversight.
- Removal of important information from FMPM tables, such as AOCs and locating them elsewhere may result in them being lost from view.
- Many of the proposals relating to contingency plans and bridging seem to blur the underlying premise of a "10 year plan". Keep the 10-year time period in place and maintain the existing overlap from one plan to the next.
- aggregate pits should have defined time spans. Otherwise abuses will occur.
- why eliminate the 4th year review period in the 10-year plan. It may serve a useful purpose. This is the first time a 10-year plan is being used in the Nipissing Forest and the 4th year check has not been done.

Thank you.