New and very critically…

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New and very critically important information has come to light. Aggregate mining and water taking permits must be halted while scientists are at the site of French's Hill researching the phenomon which is this water. This water is not just the cleanest in the world, it is considered "EXCEPTIONAL" by scientists WORLD-WIDE. In such a unique position, we must protect this water from potential pollution from the mining. The scientists have severe misgivings about the ongoing level of extraction that is taking place. They are warning of consequences if the soil cover is removed, as there will be potential then for water to flow out of French's Hill unconstrained. Before anymore mining and water taking is done, WE the people of ONTARIO are asking these companies: CRH Cda Group Inc.-Teedon Pit and SARJEANT Co. Ltd. to provide their DATA confirming there is NO possible way for their industry to impact the water; if they have such data, please show us and show that data not only to us, but to all the other stakeholders, including the landowners in the area. Tiny Township & The Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Association is right now appealing the expansion decision. Who is protecting this exceptional water if the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is not? Who will be held accountable if there is a disastrous outcome from the level of mining and the water taking permits? NO amount of fines after the fact will bring this exceptional water back. At a time when this Planet Earth is facing a WATER CRISIS, we need to protect this water and let the scientists complete their study on how the Waverley-area water is cleaned naturally. This is of critical importance. The Premier of ONTARIO must listen now.