Millar has a terrible track record of following policy. What makes you think this time is different? Why is the MNRF releasing responsibility and putting the decision making on Uxbridge? This reminds me of the handling of the Greenbank Airport mismanagement.
I think we need to put climate change and our environment first. We already have rules around the Oak Ridge Moraine and they are also being ignored.
Please do not allow Millar to move forward with a destructive business, no oversight and doing what they want at will.
I know for a fact this location is surround by horses. What will the impact be to the livestock? This is impacting animals, the moraine and farming in the area.
Please do the right thing and reject this request.
this is common senses.
thank you.
Submitted April 28, 2021 10:10 AM
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Miller Paving Limited - Changes to the site plan for a pit or quarry
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