The ERO posting of this…

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The ERO posting of this application is vague, non transparent and not completely accurate. Some examples follow:

1. Proposal Summary: “amend the rehabilitation plan” implies that there will be some changes to the rehabilitation but neglects to include that there is 1,000,000 m3 of imported fill to be brought in over 10 years. No imported fill is allowed for rehabilitation under the current licence.

2. Proposal Details: “rehabilitation of a 10 hectare area” is understated. There are actually about 17 hectares that will recieve the 1,000,000 m3 of imported fill. Some of this fill will be used to increase the stockpiling area related to the Asphalt Batch Plant which is intermittently used and not used at all in some years. Miller Paving wants to ramp up production and put it into full time use. Arsnic, Benzene and Benzo(a)Pyrene, Hydrocarbons, Lead, Nickel, Nitrogen Oxides, and Total Particulate Matter are emitted into to the air from this plant - see environmental compliance approval EBR # 012-8458.

3. Proposal Details: “recognize existing grades” is a vague way of saying that 1,000,000 m3 of fill over 10 years will be required to raise the grade of the pre-mined land to meet and maximize the useable industrial area to be developed. It also leaves out the fact that the newly created slopes in the pre-mined area will house all the parts and pieces required to drain the runoff from the industrial development and dump it very close to the aquifer. This poses risks to Uxbridge Town Residents water supply as well as the wells of local residents. This land sits on “HIGHLY VULNERABLE AQUIFER”.

4. Public Consultation Opportunities: “notification of this application has been forwarded to… landowners within 120 m of the licensed site” - only landowners within 120 m of the lands to be surrendered have been notified. This is an outright untruth and is an injustice to the entire Town of Uxbridge.

5. The non-transparent ERO post could lead to further political unrest throughout Ontario if it is not corrected and made to include accurate and related information.

6. I request that the posted application be denied quickly.