As our property is within site of the Miller property, I am very concerned about the following ; A- the impact on the ground water from the dumping of soil on the site. There is no way to guarantee that contaminated soil will not enter the fill. B/ the impact of hundreds of trucks bringing in fill on the air quality, the wear and tear on local roads , noise pollution and the costs associated with the above. C- the possible negative impact on our property value. D- the fact that Miller has not followed the guidelines of their existing licenses. We have seen what happens with fill sites in Greenbank and on Lakeridge road. What ever money the town thinks it will make on taxing this operation will not begin to cover potential clean up or damages. They have a permit to extract aggregate, that is all that should be allowed.
Submitted April 30, 2021 1:50 PM
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Miller Paving Limited - Changes to the site plan for a pit or quarry
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