I work outside in all the…

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I work outside in all the elements, all year long and I feel and see the weather becoming more and more extreme. I don't see the logic in the cancellation of cap and trade when it's apparent that we need to curb our reliance on fossil fuels and improve the efficiency of our homes and cars. We are not doing nearly enough as citizens of the world.
As a tax payer and property owner, I believe this program is well worthwhile and effective in curbing people's behavior and future actions. I will gladly pay for something that benefits us and future generations - This cancellation is a hasty act and very short sighted.
Cancellation of this program without public consultation is very reckless. This conservative government is hell bent on revenge against other policies enacted by previous governments.
Until recently, I feel citizens of Ontario are only seeing the benefits of contributing to the cap and trade and believe that this should be let run its course. The cancellation is premature and irresponsible.