On behalf of the United…

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Commenting on behalf of

The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry

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Comment approved More about comment statuses


On behalf of the United Counties of Stormont Dundas and Glengarry, please find attached a staff report summarizing the County’s position with respect to the Draft Transportation Plan for Eastern Ontario. This staff report was endorsed by County Council, with specific emphasis on the need for the Province of Ontario to identify and prioritize the completion of Highway 138 improvements within this plan. Given the continued fatal and serious accidents along this Highway, this project is of the utmost importance to our region. SDG has also specifically requested a meeting with Minister Mulroney to discuss these concerns (a copy of the letter to Minister Mulroney is also attached)

In addition to the items above and contained within the attached letter and staff report, County Council noted that a potential solution with respect to rural public transportation may be solved/ resolved through better cooperation and collaboration with school bus operators who have a significant inventory of vehicles which are idle through most parts of the day. Council was of the view that this school bus inventory/ resource may be worth considering as part of a rural transportation strategy within Eastern Ontario.

The Counties appreciates consideration of the above and looks forward to working with the Ministry as a stakeholder in order to finalize this Plan


Benjamin de Haan, Director of Transportation Services
United Counties of SDG

(on behalf of Warden Carma Williams and Council of the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry)