This should not be needed at…

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This should not be needed at all since so much housing can be built on under utilized lands in already designated urban areas by revitalizing underutilized parking lots or brown fields that are not used and build housing like in Montreal or in Europe where multiple families can live in a house but not live in sky high condos. It also isn't a good deal for any one since to pay for all of the new utilities that have to go to these new developments, especially if they are massive single home housing are going to be 2-10 times more expensive every month due to the extended areas that people have to go and the further distance that the utilities have to be built, as seen in the supporting document (Sprawl Costs the Public More Than Twice as Much as Compact Development). This also sets a bad precedent for the future, as if we do this once, who is to say that we will no do this again and just keep tearing down more and more of the greenbelt, and in the end there will be no greenery for future generations to enjoy, and will make costs explode to levels that just can not be managed.
Instead of opening up the greenbelt to build more urban sprawl, which will be worse for the public since it will increase costs due to the increase in utility costs, make more traffic since more people will have to drive, and worsen the climate and farmland since we are destroying more areas where CO2 can be captured or where food can be grown, we should instead be working with municipalities to identify underutilized areas, such as parking lots that are rarely used and can be reduced in size, abandoned malls or strip malls that have most stores closed down, or properties that have been abandoned or closed and rebuild them to be dense walkable areas with small stores and ease to public and active transit, so that way to future cost is much lower since it is already in the urban space so it is already connected to the overall grid and if built much more like how they are built in urban cities like in Montreal or like Frankfurt, we can house more people in a denser area but have people enjoy it if we build the areas with people in mind.