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Before I begin, I would like to say I am not an environmentalist heck I am not even an outdoorsy person. What I do like is clean air, safe drinking water and food that is not imported from half way around the world. With that in mind, I cannot understand this government’s decision to "swap" land in the greenbelt.
Then I look back at the major decisions that this government has made and a trend becomes perfectly clear. He wants to make developers happy. Not tax payers, not voters, not citizens of this beautiful province, just a hand full of developers.

1. Until this legislation was proposed, there was no housing crisis. All of a sudden, we are in the midst of a housing crisis. Are we and will destroying the greenbelt solve it? Yes, housing prices are high but are they falling. Its housing prices that are keeping people from owning not lack of availability. When 25-30% of all houses in the GTA are bought as investment properties, how can the average person compete with corporation and investors? Building 50,000+ homes on the greenbelt is not going to solve the made up housing crises especially when over 10,000+ will be bought for investments. I know the areas well and can almost guarantee that these houses will be multi million dollar homes. Even the townhouses will be over $1 million. There has been no talk of low income or subsided housing in these areas or even high rises. How are people supposed to afford these homes to help solve the "housing crises?"

2. Even if there was a housing crisis, why not build on the land that the government wants to swap for?
The government’s agreement that these lands can be built up more quickly does not make much sense, unless by quickly the government means by end of their term. It only makes sense when you factor in how much money the developers will make. Why build houses outside of the green belt and make several hundred thousand dollars less than by paving over the greenbelt.

3. Is part or whole of decision to develop the green belt based on developers recently paying 10s of millions of dollars to purchase this land? It seems odd that developers would spend large amounts of money just before the government announced the developments.

4. Waving/reducing developers fees benefits only developers. It means higher taxes for residents. Developers are already rich they do not need tax breaks. Residents on the other hand need lower property taxes, more parks and more amenities.

It is clear with this legislation along with strong mayors and 413, this government has one agenda to make developers rich, sorry make them richer, regardless of what is costing everyone else.