Although the proposal to…

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Although the proposal to interfere with what little Greenbelt is left was taken off the table is the past, we are now having it be proposed again. Does the will of the people mean nothing? Is this not a democracy?
As a GTA born Canadian, I have watched as housing developments have eliminated huge swaths of prime farmland. Developments of housing for the highest possible earners continue to be built with barely a glance at the folks who work in service industries or otherwise support their families on far less.
The only houses we should now be allowing to be built are those for those living and surviving at the lower end of the pay scale. By forcing that population to rent, not own, without even a rent control continuously in place has created a homelessness crisis unprecedented in all my years in this area. What of all the children who will not have any wealth passed to them because it was hoovered-up by these ever rising rents. Wages are being capped. Why not rents?
More importantly, rein in these developers and focus them on where the housing needs are. If the homes are not going to immediately improve our homelessness crisis, then they need to be sent back to their tables to make adjustments. There is more than enough land that is outside the Greenbelt.
We need our Greenbelt for us and future generations. Hands off the Greenbelt.