This decision to develop…

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This decision to develop areas of the Greenbelt compromises the very purpose of the Greenbelt legislation, to protect ecologically significant/ sensitive land and farmland, which provides immeasurable value in the ecological, recreational, agricultural and cultural services to all the people of Ontario. The Greenbelt protects the land where dedicated farmers grow the food we eat, provides habitats to flora and fauna that already have significant habitat loss (which helps to protect and enhance local biodiversity, a key components of any healthy ecosystem), the watershed system (including the Oak Ridges and Paris Moraine, Dufferin's Watershed, etc.) that filters our drinking water, safeguards our past through the various archeological sites, provides social and cultural gathering spaces for people to get together, through community events, recreational activities and so on. These benefits are provided to everyone in Ontario.

These proposals only stand to benefit few, the developers who purchased the land and the privileged few who will be able to afford these proposed homes. This proposal is only a short term, band aid solution for the housing crisis facing residents of Ontario, as adding additional homes will not address the root issues fueling the housing crisis. Inflation, international home buyers, and unsustainable planning and building practices will not be solved by building new homes, rather the provincial government should develop robust policies that help those in Ontario afford a house, limit the amount of international buyers in our housing market, tax those who own multiple homes and encourage sustainable building practices, such as building multi-family housing units, limit urban sprawl, support public transportation, etc.

We must start to move away from short term approaches to land use planning in this province and begin to embrace holistic approaches where we consider not only the economic implications or solutions for right now, but the ecological, cultural and social needs that will benefit us as well as future generations, particularly the most disadvantaged in our communities. An intact Greenbelt is the right step forward in enhancing sustainability, for today and for the future of the province. The people of Ontario overwhelmingly support the Greenbelt and it continued protection, and as such, the government should reflect these interests by stepping back from these proposed developments and adhere to their promises of continuing to protect the greenbelt in its entirety.