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I'm writing to express my tremendous concerns over Bill 23 and the destruction of the greenbelt in Ontario.  This land is crucial for the future of our province, providing farmland, wetlands, and greenspaces needed for all of us to thrive, including species at risk. Destruction of this delicate and irreplaceable habitat is unacceptable.  The greenbelt must be protected in full. 

Sustainable urban planning should be well thought out and done with great care and consideration for the impact on the natural habitat. It should involve smart and responsible choices to ensure that people can live and work in communities that will thrive without destroying our natural resources. Continued expansive urban crawl is not the answer for Ontario.  Allowing developers to bulldoze our province without proper oversight or accountability, to do irreversible damage to irreplaceable habitats and endanger species at risk, and to create more urban sprawl is both short-sighted and irresponsible.  

Development requires extensive oversight and should take into consideration the environmental impact both in the short and long term.  The safeguards that are targeted by Bill 23 were put in place to protect our province, our natural habitats, and our communities--they must not be removed to pad the pockets of developers at the expense of taxpayers and our land.  The Ontario Conservative party (which the majority of voters did NOT vote for) does not have the right to take this land away from Ontario and destroy it. Please repeal Bill 23.