ERO I must express…

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Commentaire fait au nom

Mesima River Alliance

Statut du commentaire



I must express significant concern regarding Agnico Eagle's recent proposal to expand its exploration activities to encompass both sides of the Misema River and Beaverhouse Lake. This expansion has been put forward without the requisite studies, site plans, or a thorough understanding of the cumulative hydrological and environmental risks associated with both current and future exploration. The question arises: when will Agnico Eagle recognize the inevitable harm to these sensitive ecosystems that will occur in the absence of proper management and mitigation measures?

The situation has been exacerbated by the Township of Larder Lake's decision, in the fall of 2023, to pass Zoning By-law 1969-23. This by-law authorized Agnico Eagle to establish a massive 300-plus hectare aggregate pit on the shores of the Misema River basin. The location of this site, on an elevated plateau, introduces considerable hydrological risks, particularly the potential for contaminated water and sediment to travel downstream, impacting Beaverhouse Lake, the Misema River, and the aquatic life these bodies of water support.

It is particularly troubling that such a large-scale project was allowed to proceed without any form of environmental assessment. This is despite the persistent appeals from the Misema River Alliance and local residents, who depend on the Misema River for their water supply. The failure of both the Larder Lake municipality and Agnico Eagle to adhere to the Ontario Municipal Act’s stipulations for responsible environmental management is a serious oversight that cannot be overlooked and necessitates both environmental leadership and action from the provincial government.

To mitigate the environmental impact, the following measures from the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) should have been implemented:


1. **Erosion and Sediment Control:** Best practices should have been deployed to prevent soil erosion and the resulting sedimentation of nearby water bodies. Essential measures include the installation of silt fences, sediment basins, and ongoing maintenance to preserve the integrity of the surrounding environment.

2. **Water Management:** The development of a comprehensive water management plan is critical to monitor and control runoff effectively. Such a plan would include stormwater management, the prevention of contamination to local water sources, and the construction of efficient drainage systems.

3. **Monitoring and Reporting:** A robust monitoring program is necessary to regularly evaluate environmental impacts and ensure adherence to mitigation protocols. This should involve consistent water quality testing, environmental inspections, and transparent reporting to both regulatory bodies and the public.

4. **Site Rehabilitation:** Post-extraction, it is imperative to rehabilitate the site to restore any disturbed areas. This process should include re-vegetation and the re-establishment of natural habitats to prevent long-term environmental degradation.

5. **Public Consultation and Involvement:** Proactively engaging with local communities and stakeholders, such as the Misema River Alliance, is essential. Their concerns must be integrated into the planning process, and their input should inform the development and execution of mitigation strategies.

By neglecting to implement these critical measures there has been a failure to fulfill environmental responsibilities, placing the Misema River and the broader ecosystem at considerable risk. The situation can be further highlighted by the current example of Agnico Eagle's Detour Lake operations, where the need to empty local ponds to meet the mine's extensive water requirements underscores the potential for similar detrimental impacts in the Misema River basin due to lack of water management. Staff and locals are being asked to conserve water usage.

It is essential that we, as professionals committed to responsible environmental stewardship, demand a comprehensive review of the hydrological and environmental impacts of the entirety of these operations. We must insist on the implementation of the necessary measures to safeguard these vital ecosystems before irreversible damage occurs