For complete comments please…


For complete comments please refer to the attached letter from Kyle Knoeck, M.Sc.Pl., MCIP, RPP, Interim Chief Planner and Executive Director of City of Toronto Planning Division.

Excerpt included for reference:

RE: Consideration of transition of land use planning matters to facilitate the
introduction of a new policy statement issued under the Planning Act (ERO 019-

On behalf of the City of Toronto, we are pleased to submit the City’s feedback requesting
planning matters that should be addressed through the transition regulation, which would
facilitate implementation of the Provincial Planning Statement (PPS) 2024. We are
requesting transition of five groups of Official Plan Amendments (OPAs), as outlined in this
letter and identified in Attachment 1. The transition of these OPAs is necessary to ensure
certainty and expediency in achieving outcomes for these ongoing processes.

We are also requesting a follow-up meeting between Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Housing staff and City Planning staff to discuss the site and area specific complexities and
policy-specific nuances of each requested groupings of planning instruments requested to
be transitioned. We would also like to reserve this time to request any additional matters to
be transitioned that have not been identified by this request.

The OPAs requested to be transitioned are all intended to support implementation of the
PPS 2024 in terms of:
• making more land available for development;
• supporting development to increase the supply of housing;
• supporting the achievement of complete communities by accommodating a range
and mix of land uses including employment; and
• supporting transit-supportive development and intensification in proximity to transit.

The OPAs:
• were reviewed and considered under previous provincial planning frameworks such
as the Provincial Policy Statement 2020 and Growth Plan for the Greater Golden
Horseshoe 2020 (Growth Plan 2020);
• have been adopted by City Council; and
• are pending a Decision or Final Order from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing or the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).

Without transition for these matters which are pending final approval, there is the risk of
uncertainty and delays if additional review is required under the PPS, 2024, which would
present challenges to both the City and proponents.

Comments continue in the attached letter.