Premier Ford's cancelling of…

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Premier Ford's cancelling of the Ontario Climate Action Plan is nothing short of dangerous, short-signed and counter to all science/evidence on the subject. His rhetoric is misleading millions of Ontarian's into thinking it's more important to save 10 cents at the gas pump than it is to invest in our future and curb carbon pollution. His move to cancel this plan is completely based on ideology and absent of evidence or fact. How is it possible that when we know so much about the impacts carbon pollution is having on our planet, which 97% of scientists agree upon, someone can blatantly lie, mislead the public and get rid of mechanisms such as cap and trade that was functioning well and would only benefit society and Ontarians as a whole. Why was it so easy for him to lie to the public about the cap and trade fund being a so-called 'slush fund' instead of the truth, which is that all this money was reinvested back into the province, to hospitals, schools, colleges, universities and citizens homes?
Prominent Canadian economists agree that putting a price on carbon is the best way to reduce carbon pollution and combat climate change. Mr. Ford has presented no other solutions to this crisis and is not acting in the best interest of the public.

Why does he not mention the costs of the impacts of climate change to municipalities as a result of the increased intensity and frequency of storms? Or the likely rise in insurance costs to citizens as a result of our changing weather and climate. Or the fact that depending on where some people live, they may be uninsurable because the risk is too for insurance companies.

The most recent IPCC report tells us that we have just over a decade to avoid a total climate crisis. We are moving in the absolute wrong direction.