To Whom it may Concern: I am…

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To Whom it may Concern: I am excited that MTO is considering looking into its existing Corridor management policy. In my opinion, I strongly recomend it be revised to match with the growing of digital technology age while still actuaizing and maintaining the safety of drivers. MTO in collaboration with industry experts and law makers can sum right policies that can benefit/ suit both the commuting public and third party advertisers as long as there is a communication of understanding. Essentially, there has to be communication, consideration and eventual compromise between all parties. What isn't working? is the stringent policies staunching or hindering the growth of legitimate adverting businesses that need the opportunity to grow. What isn't working is businesses not given the opportunity to partake in the balancing of commerce, commuter safety and community development through messaging baords. There are many opinons out there but i strongly believe they actually contribute to rider saftey than rider distraction. What isn't working is the lack of proper communication of understanding between government bureacrats and industry experts. In addition, government red tape making it extremly difficult for entrepreneurs or start ups to enter the third party advertising industry due to existing sign by laws which are archaic in nature and don't conform to modernization of existing digital technology age. Matter of fact these by laws are hampering the technology while suppressing legitimate business ventures indirectly. Are there solutions? Off course there are solutions. As an advertising company, we are aware the dilemma faced with government officials at balancing safety obligations for commuter while trying to encourage commerce activity. We don't want our hwys clogged with several billboards sign every 100 or so meters, that is dangerous PERIOD. I will be the first to point that out. More challenging is determining viable companies that actually work to bettering community safety while promoting third party advertising. I believe MTO like other monitoring bodies in cities around the world particularly North America, can come up with solutions that will benefit both parties and promote commerce in the advertising industry while at the same time promoting rider safety. Our solution? 1. Have an open door policy to industry experts to educate\inform on how third party advertising can actually benefit the community and improve safety within the hwy corridor. 2. Create specific advertising zones/sectors within the hwy corridor where messaging boards can only be erected with so as to limit clogging of the hwys by billboards. Set up by laws that will still maintain commuter safety yet create an open LIMITED space for third party advertisers. In my opinion, If billboards aren't causing accidents on the Gardner Expressway, or other hwys in major North American cities, i don't see a reason why it would on a 401 carriage hwy. It will be nice to see the MTO Conform to modern times while still maintaining the absolute safety of commuters. Thanks for providing my company with the opportunity to say its piece. Hopefully it will have a significant contribution to the revision of an old HWY Improvement Act which we both believe needs to be readdressed. Many Thanks

[Original Comment ID: 195424]