I am a driver, a cyclist,…


I am a driver, a cyclist, and a pedestrian. The proposed plan to remove existing bike lanes and require provincial approval for the implementation of bike lanes where a lane of traffic is reduced is nonsensical, dangerous, and a provincial overreach.
The Premier and the Minister of Transportation have framed this as a way of reducing congestion, which is laughable. Anyone can see that the reason for congestion in the city is TOO MANY CARS. Bicycle lanes simply do not cause congestion in Toronto. Perhaps if Mr. Ford took public transit in to Queen’s Park, which is literally across the street from a subway station, he wouldn’t be so consumed with this pro-car, individualistic agenda.
Cyclists are vulnerable road users, and bike lanes keep them safe. Cyclists continue to be injured and killed in Toronto and across Ontario. Bike lanes allow cyclists to be safely seperated from vehicular traffic, and unimpeded by vehicle congestion. The fact of the matter is, if bike lanes are removed, cyclists will have to merge with traffic, and people will get hurt. People will die. All so that Bloor, Yonge, and University can have a vehicle lane back, to bring more cars to our city and make the congestion even worse.
These are municipal affairs and the province ought not to overreach like this. The city of Toronto decided to make these bike lanes happen and put in a lot of time, money, and effort for it. It’s absolutely absurd that the province would spend $48 million to rip them up when we don’t want him to.