An egregious result of bike lane implementation was the reconfiguring of lights at Bloor and Jane.
Traffic going north on the South Kingsway turning eastbound on Bloor runs unimpeded. This then results in Traffic running eastbound on Bloor through the South Kingsway intersection no place to go when their light turns green because it's been filled by northbound South Kingsway traffic turning eastbound onto Bloor. The line of eastbound Bloor traffic comes to a standstill sometimes as far back as Prince Edward.
Drivers are frustrated as every other direction is moving except for eastbound Bloor from Prince Edward towards Jane.
I have written to Mayor Chow and Premier Ford about this. No wonder Ford wants to dismantle this whole debacle as the fallout is egregious and frustrating and disrespects peoples' state of mind while ignoring their building sense of frustration.
Example: the advanced green ar Old Mill limits this turn to 2 or 3 that rightly want to avoid the long not moving line of traffic on Bloor eastbound. This builds further frustration and can lead to accidents. I've already witnessed drivers ignoring the left turn signal and plowing through it on red. Who decides this is a good way to treat people by limiting their mobility and accessibility to movement???
To add to the disastrous Bloor eastbound traffic, the lights at Jane and Armadale turn red constantly further impeding traffic moving on eastbound Bloor.
We need some smart visionaries and planning to foresee these issues instead of shoehorning it in and then maybe dealing with the inevitable consequences.
Soumis le 20 novembre 2024 4:08 PM
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Projets de loi 212 – Loi de 2024 sur le désengorgement du réseau routier et le gain de temps - Cadre en matière de pistes cyclables nécessitant le retrait d’une voie de circulation.
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