I like the idea of adding…

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I like the idea of adding housing with retail-type businesses to the site.

However, I also note a current problem with allowing more residences in the area: The asphalt company on Ingram is already spewing stink, chemicals and dust into the air, and not always following regulations. (See File 1). The plant is currently allowed to be there, manufacturing asphalt (see File 2 and File 3) though the this is also currently under appeal (see File 4). In the current zoning, when the wind blows south, the new residences on Caledonia will be directly exposed, as current residents already are (and I have lived this experience over the years).

I also oppose further manufacturing in this area, since the current residences are already exposed to chemicals and stink from the abutting industrial area.

Also of note, residences were declined further up the same road in 2015 (see File 5) when the same asphalt manufacturing was occurring. While that declined site is closer, the current location will still be within range of the wind.

I recommend that if further housing is to be allowed in the area--not to mention in the protection of current residences and residents--that the appeal of the zoning for the asphalt company (see File 5) be addressed at the same time, so that asphalt manufacturing would be discontinued and that any new residents--in addition to existing residents--could have fresh air to breathe around their homes.

Re-zoning in the current context also suggests that any problems with the environment will not be the problem of the current owner or builder, but of any future homeowners on the site. Buyers should beware of the larger abutting industrial area, which (ethically) should also be re-zoned before it is appropriate for additional residences.

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