Hello, I am a 4th year…

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I am a 4th year undergraduate student at the university of Toronto and I wanted to comment on these proposed changes. Although not an expert I appreciate the opportunity to comment on the proposal.

In regards to focus 1, I do agree in utilizing a landscape approach in regards to the species at risk act to streamline the process, it is essential that the current species specific approach can not be left behind as an old method. It should rather be used for certain especially important keystone or critically endangered species.

In regards to focus 2, The essential missing bridge of communication is a key issue outlined in the proposal and I believe this could be mitigated by having a liaison type position to notify and interpret the act itself to the public. This could take the form of a very small team or just an individual that could operate an easily accessible chat line or phone line for some hours of the day.

In regards to transparency it is also possible to increase the level of transparency by working with the independent committee to include more information in their assessments. Of course an increased level of information would require more research to be done, to expedite that process in a timely manner the field work could be outsourced to public volunteers or open new opportunities to new graduates as entry level positions.

However, I strongly disagree with removing the automatic listing of species as not only would it create even more bureaucratic backlog, it would also dramatically slow down the entire process of listing a species which was a key concern of the proposal. This point seemingly goes against the aimed message of the proposal which aims to expedite the process and instead will weaken the act itself whether unknowingly or otherwise.

I hope the act is treated with care as with our changing environment in these turbulent times, it is paramount that we take every precaution necessary to ensure a better future.