If anything the act needs to…

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If anything the act needs to be strengthened. The “scorched earth” tactics followed by some developers destroy habitat which is a leading cause to the decline of many bird and insect species. Draining of wetlands endanger fish, reptiles and amphibians not to mention the damage done to the water filtration process which ultimately impacts groundwater and humans. Current fines are looked upon as part of the cost of doing business, this needs to change.

This government has made much of the need to “cut red tape”. If that means getting rid of outdated and redundant legislation then by all means go ahead. Unfortunately, if recent form is anything to go by, this government seems intent on giving carte blanche to industry and developers as could be seen by Bill 66 before a massive public outcry stopped the proposed dilution of the Greenbelt and the water protection acts. And please don’t tell me that this was government “responding to the people”, the matter of the Greenbelt had been raised during the election and should never have been raised again. One need only look to recent events in Brazil to see the consequences of “cutting red tape” and self regulation when the dam breaches devastated communities.

The health of endangered species is a comment on our attitude as a civilization. If we deem them expendable, as a weakening of the act would indicate, then it shows we have little regard for our own kind as these species are the “canaries in the coal mine” for the health of our air, water and soil.