Requirements in Subsection 6…

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Requirements in Subsection 6 of Appendix A are currently as follow: Subsection 6 of the ESMP with the heading Excess Soil Receiving Sites Summary shall include the following information: a. A list of the addresses of each receiving site to receive excess soil from the project area b. For each receiving site, the volume of excess soil to be taken and the quality of excess soil to be taken to that receiving site c. The excess soil quality standards applicable to each receiving site, which are either the applicable generic table of MOECC excess soil standards or the site specific standards where they have been developed. In addition staff recommends that the following requirements added to Subsection 6. 1.Provide an approved copy of the site specific instrument or By-law related Permit (if applicable) for the receiving site. 2.Include locally approved haul route(s) to the receiving site.

This subsection of the ESPM and the registry should be accessible and must include consultation with, and consent from, the local municipality regarding the haul route through the municipality. Municipal Site Alteration By-laws have considered haul routes when a Site Alteration Permit is required; however, the consequences of truck traffic passing through from a source site to a receiving site outside the municipal boundaries can have substantial impacts at the local level.

[Original Comment ID: 209766]