Are you kidding? After…

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Are you kidding? After preventing a landfill from impacting the most pristine water in the world and knowing now South Africa is running out of water, your government is going to threaten our water. Water is life and should not be used to wash gravel thank you very much. This is just insane and should be branded a crime against our society. There should be no aggregate extraction happening anywhere near the Waverly Uplands recharge area of Tiny Township where this permit is proposed. The Allison Aquifer services water needs for most if not all of South Central Ontario and the government wants to put this water in jeopardy. This is not what I want for my children or grand children. Smart government doesn’t do things like this so I wonder tomorrow when I call the Premier’s office and Minister Ballard’s office what they will say. Huge election issue. [Original Comment ID: 212274]