Comment ID: 210794
EBR Registry Number 013-1043, and Ministry Reference Number 2629-AKAKE6 About the Otter Creek wind farm, I am very concerned that it is going to destroy my water well. We are seeing many problems starting to occur in north Chatham-Kent . We have had our water recently tested and it is of very good quality but we sit on the same type of geology as where there are problems being presented. Who is going to pay for the loss of our well when it occurs? I anticipate a class action lawsuit is going to occur soon. Time is needed to look at what is happening and to be sure no problems are going to be created. We elect governments to do environmental reviews to protect the health of its citizens, and be sure large corporations are not ruining our environments by pushing their multimillion dollar projects through. An additional concern is the size of these industrial wind turbines proposed. They will be taller than anything that we have seen before. From my understanding there has been no independent sound or vibration testing done on these units. I feel like we are being used as guinea pigs in a large experiment by a Liberal government based out of Toronto that wants to look "Green" at a huge taxpayer expense for a very little bit of very expensive electricity. The ministry that has been initially put in place to protect its citizens needs to stand up to the Liberal Party and Big Money and do its job!
Soumis le 23 mai 2019 10:14 AM
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Otter Creek Wind Farm General Partnership Incorporated, à titre de commandité de et au nom d’Otter Creek Wind Farm LP - Autorisation de projet d’énergie renouvelable
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