Having lived near a gravel…

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Having lived near a gravel pit for the past 17 years, we are very concerned about potential changes to the aggregate policy. Because pits can be located in such close proximity to small towns (such as Heidelberg), it's essential that residents be given voice in regard to policies involving the gravel pits: we're the ones who experience the increased traffic of gravel and cement trucks; and, as a result, increased safety concerns. We also have to live with the concerns related to the impact on our surrounding environment, including air and water quality.

It's necessary when considering changes that public reviews are encouraged, and that studies are done to ensure there's no danger to the public's safety, such as below the water-table mining. If an operator wants to change the license, so they can go below the water-table, municipal and public input must be part of that process.

We also have concerns about what will happen to sites, such as the Wolfe Pit, once they're no longer usable. There needs to be detailed requirements regarding how such sites will be rehabilitated.

Municipalities and residents who are paying taxes to live in areas near gravel pits are owed a strong voice in this process. It's not just about the benefits to the companies making the application.