Mr. ford. Its a no brainer …

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Mr. ford. Its a no brainer !!! I SPEAK for those that don't have a voice. THE birds and the bees- Nature needs our help more then ever!!! our planet is crumbling beneath our feet and all those in more POWERFUL positions are sitting back and not letting these issues effect their lives. well guess what . it does and will and always will . why would we let our selves just destroy more nature and well being for everyone right in front of our own eyes. that's such a huge disgrace for everyone that is effected by the ill thinking of those with power. please STOP this mayhem . Its already have and had DEVASTATING impacts on everyone... despicably i continue to write those who can make a change from the desk or the front line of politics. please if you have any kind of faith in humanity you would do what is the best option for US all here on earth and that's PROTECTING nature with every fiber of power we have!!!. PESTICIDES are not part of the Human cycle. Nature was built with its very own defense mechanisms. Read into it, Pesticides were never part of nature and never should be.!!! Its horrendous that we even have to fight this hard for something we all live and breath for ~!!! nature. stop! think about it . if it weren't for trees you wouldn't be breathing to sit in your fancy office to make stupid decisions like allowing such a disastrous thing near our community that we live work and play in. Enough is enough. RESEARCH it . after all the law suits and people dying from such a thing . the decision is easy !!! NO PESTICIDES ARE NEEDED. its common sense . it affects us all . weather a small or large measure. we don't need something to harm us while were only trying to protect what keeps us alive!!! our trees and nature depend on us more then you realize. How would you feel being diagnosed with cancer due to pesticide use over a continuous period of time and due to exposure? Not good? well that's how its feeling for our circle of nature NOT GOOD AT ALL . the research says it all. Please ban this and any products alike. its always have and always will be only a negative impact from all that is entailed with pesticides. It needs to stop . i cant stress it enough BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN PESTICIDES AND THEIR USE !!!!!!!!