The privatization of water…

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The privatization of water must be stopped! It is a public and sacred trust and, as such, needs to remain in public control. Please continue the moratorium until Tier 3 and the Source Water Protection process is completed in February of 2021 or to 2023 as our municipality, Centre Wellington, is requesting.

I believe your goal as Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, should be to deny and revoke any Permit to Take Water for commercial water bottling purposes because of the negative effects on the environment not only locally by putting at risk our future population growth and right to access clean sources of water, also globally by polluting our oceans and land with plastic.

In the specific case of my community, impacting and damaging the Grand River watershed, as well as interfering with the new wells on the west side of Elora.

This is unacceptable, is not benefiting our community, only the pockets of the big corporations. They pay $3.71 per million of liters of water (!!!), and they are selling their bottle product on an average of $1.54 per 1.5L/bottle, this means that for one million liters of water they take from our public resource, they are doing a gross profit of around $1,026,666.67 CAD! I understand that this is their business, but they are not accounting for the pollution and effects on our environment, and the risks this will put us through in the coming years, and honestly I don't see any serious commitments around the globe from this corporations to balance out the damage and risks they are creating.

Save our water NOW, TODAY, act on our behalf, is OUR water, we have the right!