ERO # 019-1101 As a person…

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ERO # 019-1101
As a person who previously worked in a microbiology lab, I have found this practice of dumping Septic waste on farm fields in rural areas disturbing.
There are so many pathogens and diseases that are carried in human waste and from what I have read there is very little done to monitor these waste sites. The only regulation I have seen is the requirement to fill out log books. It appears physical testing of the site and areas around it are not done.
This area is surrounded by lakes and homes where Residents rely on well water. There is also a large quantity of bedrock in this county and I can’t imagine how this waste would breakdown and be absorbed properly.
As well, as a county which heavily relies on tourism, the damage done to the tourism industry could be irreparable and will only cause harm to the livelihoods of area residents.
I am trusting that the right decision will be made, and this application will be denied.