Surface and groundwater flow…

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Surface and groundwater flow south from Barry Line to Green Lake Rd and then into Green (Grass) Lake. As well there is a creek near the proposed site that runs to the lake. This lake flows into Maple lake and then to Boshkung/Twelve Mile Lakes. The sepatage will clearly flow into this lake system and have a detrimental effect on fish & wildlife. The area is full of turtles, deer, wild turkeys & more. Additionally the drinking water from local wells is likely to be contaminated.

The Barry Line location is a very bad location for septage given the lakes and homes in this area. The environmental impact could be devastating. As well the community has not been adequately advised or consulted on this. There is no signage on the site listing this application; similar to zoning change requirements.

There needs to be a public meeting on this proposal with officials from the Ministry, Dysart officials, the applicant. and all members of the community need to be advised. As a community member I only learned of this proposal through one newspaper articles. Why are the neighbors not being advised upfront with full transparency?