My family and I purchased…

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My family and I purchased our home on Ravenview Drive in 1962 , and since have experienced a sewage plant that emitted odors lasting for most summer days before a fix was found..We also were threatened by chemical plants on Beechgrove Drive with one going up in smoke...The nuke plant is also within danger range. The worst being the Canadian Johns Manville Plant on Lawrence across from Oliver Mowatt School where they, installed air quality readings. At this point I should add that our oldest daughter died at age 38 from breast cancer, and that another has had a double mastectomy..Also many of our daughters friends also had to deal with breast cancer. The belief has been that Mansville declared bankruptcy to avoid a class action suit, I know that none of this is relevant to this new proposal..To put this project in a residential area with two schools nearby is a bad idea .