I am very happy to hear…

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I am very happy to hear about the changes to the wild take proposal. I think that being able to trap a wild passage hawk each year is a huge boon for Ontario falconers. I have only hunted with wild caught red-tailed hawks and have found that each bird taught me something new. Each one is different. The proposal will allow falconers to hone their skills and become more successful.
I think it is essential that apprentice falconers can trap a wild caught hawk, and have the option to release the bird if they find that falconry is not for them or if the bird is not a particularily good falconry bird. I am especially glad to hear the proposal would allow falconers to trap anywhere in Ontario, as this greatly increases the chances of catching a good hawk and even locating them! In order to be successful a falconer needs to understand the quarry they hunt and the land on which to find that quarry; being able to trap a bird a year gives falconers the opportunity to learn where hawks are most found and whether it is a good hatch year for that species or a bad hatch year.
The proposal also addresses the need to be able to plan and prepare for a hawk instead of leaving it to chance. It is important to be totally prepared for a new bird. Trapping wild hawks is an important tradition and I am happy that the MNRF is moving to protect our heritage. Falconers cross the line between the wild and human worlds when they train and hunt with a wild caught bird, and I believe there are important lessons we all can learn from that.
The draw to take 5 goshawks from the wild is also a great idea which will allow falconers to try hunting with this mysterious and exciting predator. Again, having the choice to release a goshawk is both beneficial to the falconer and the bird. I think restricting the goshawk draw to general falconers only is a great idea.
I am very excited about the proposal and I hope that it will come into law. I am grateful to the MNRF for listening to falconer's concerns and addressing them.