My immediate thought is a…

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My immediate thought is a big no! It's time the MNR starts thinking differently in regard to birds and especially raptors.
200 licensed falconers in Ontario seems to be way too many, and there's no way 195 of these will settle with a "waiting list" to get their hands on a wild Goshawk. Enough is enough.
I suggest that the MNR instead starts putting their focus and energy into the real raptor problems we have in this province; live baiting of snowy owls for photography during the winter months. Only Falconers should be able to do this (not photographers) and with 200 Falconers in Ontario, this should be a small task to get organized and started. Instead of the farmers changing photo groups thousands of dollars to let photographers accessing their land to photograph the owls, these tours should be organized and operated by the Environmental Registry of Ontario in cooperation with certified Falconers, where the money goes back into the environment and not the photographer/farmer. Snowy Owls doesn't belong to any specific person or property owner, these are wild birds, now globally listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN, and should not be used as circus animals. Photographers and farmers should not be allowed to feed these birds pet store-bought mice, which are released into the environment to freeze and/or be grabbed by an owl. This is animal cruelty towards the mouse. Personally I have seen farmers in Eastern Ontario on several occasions bait the owls on their property to keep them there for the photo group's arrival. This needs to be monitored and controlled and to make sure the money goes back into the environment and not into some photographer or farmer's pocket. I have monitored this animal cruelty at the east and west end of Ottawa for a decade now, and it's only getting worse. It's time that the proper agencies take the responsibility and action on this, in favour of thr Snowy Owl, not the human.