I am concerned that the…


I am concerned that the proposed changes to ESA will have negative affects to those species listed. Paying into fund will make it easier for developers to destroy habitat. I am concerned that there will be no transparency in the new agency, will they report where the funds from certain projects are being allocated?

Perhaps the species where changes would be least harmful would be to Barn Swallow, Bobolink and Meadowlark since they largely occur in human affected environments. I am concerned that proposed changes would allow for a greater number of Category 2 and 3 Butternuts to be removed as they are disappearing and becoming rarer on the landscape. That would only accelerate their disappearance.

I am particularly concerned about Blanding's Turtle and Whip-poor-will since the southern Canadian Shield is a stronghold for them. While there are still reasonable populations for those species there, it does not make sense to make it easier for developers to eliminate habitat so they would become legitimately endangered in that area as well.