Dear Minister, I am writing…


Dear Minister,

I am writing to register my strongest objections to the powers which will be granted to government and developers under Bill 197. Such legislation is intended to override any municipality's site control plan. What this legislation effectively does is to allow the government and developers unfettered control over land use, but also to bypass the rights of municipalities and its citizens. This completely undermines the democratic process.
We are at a tipping point in the climate crisis. To destroy precious wetlands, and agricultural land, for example is in direct opposition to a responsible and vitally important path forward in dealing with climate change.
What this issue is really about is values and corporate greed trumping the need to protect land, water and air quality for present and future generations. Short term "gain" for long term destruction.
I understand that the legislation is currently under review because of impending law suits. Let me assure you, the even though citizens are pre-occupied with issues related to COVID, such egregiously inappropriate will not go unnoticed.
I urge you to think beyond the immediate pressure from Doug Ford and developers and think to the future. There is no other option.