I don't think that I have…


I don't think that I have ever felt so disillusioned by government as I do now. My first comment to your plans for implementing a new, more transparent, predictable and reliable planning process is that I don't believe you.

I am so disgusted with the government's dishonesty regarding the Nation Rise Wind Turbine Project. You allowed this industrial turbine project into our community despite our strong objections. You broke your promise to us when you promised to cancel this projects. I have a huge turbine 800 m from my front door. I am surrounded by them. Other people in my community are living 500 m from these turbines. Perhaps you should have had Nation Rise in your own neighborhoods.

Nation Rise was given unwarranted and undeserved extensions and your government kept allowing this project to persevere when it should have been shut down for a multitude of good reasons.

I don't have faith in your government anymore.