Q: Are there any other…

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Frontier Lithium

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Q: Are there any other minerals in Ontario that should be added to the list because they are considered “critical,” or that should be removed from the list?

A: Develop a Critical Minerals/Elements Matrix:

Critical Minerals/Elements Matrix
Assessment criteria:

1. Is the element/mineral at the upstream of a value chain that will support Ontario’s economy and assist in building Ontario’s new low-carbon economy.

2. Supply
a. Is Canadian / North American demand growth likely to exceed supply. (Now, Future)
b. Is global supply at risk or susceptible to disruptions (political, economic, geographic, geological or environmental factors) (multiple producers, stable countries, ethical sourcing and production, etc.)

3. Ontario production
a. Is Ontario a producer. Industry Expenditure/Profitability ratio.
b. Are there active exploration projects with positive preliminary economic assessments (production in medium term (5-10 years).

4. Can Ontario facilitate the growth of the supply chain.

To be considered a “Critical Mineral / Element” each of the 4 questions must have a positive response. For questions 2 and 3 only one of a} or b} must be positive.

We also recommend the government establish 5-year assessment updates. This will support a government CM strategy monitoring program.